The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the fall migration of 2008 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 25th August 2008. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Monday, October 27, 2008

October 26 [Day 61] (Bill Wilson) The temperature at 0800 was -11C, the coldest experienced so far this season, but rose to 4C under sunny skies with 20-80% thin cirrus cloud cover all day. The highest wind recorded was 20 km/h, but it was generally light all day, initially E but then progressively SE, S and finally SW for most of the afternoon. The first raptor of the day was a Rough-legged Hawk at 0815 and the first Golden Eagle was at 0847, but the bulk of the movement was in the afternoon with highest passage of 13 birds from 1200 to 1300, 12 from 1500-1600 and 11 from 1700 to 1800. The last bird was a Golden Eagle at 1731. The combined species count of 68 was the lowest since October 12 and Golden Eagle movement appears to be finally losing steam with 43 birds counted: 36 adults, 1 subadult and 6 juveniles. Bald Eagles, however, continue to move steadily and a few Sharp-shinned Hawks are still going south. At 1720 a non-migrant Prairie Falcon took particular exception to a single Common Raven, which was one of many moving west to roost, and harried it relentlessly for about a minute. As Bill left Calgary at 0500 he climbed to the site in darkness but was rewarded with a Great Horned Owl singing to the east of the ridge, which was the 97th bird species of the season and the first time the bird has been detected from the site itself. At 1137 a first winter Herring Gull flew to the S just W of the ridge providing species #98 and again it was the first time the species has been seen at the ridge top. There was a good movement of finches in the morning involving Pine Grosbeaks (59), Grey-crowned Rosy-Finches (52), Red Crossbills (20), White-winged Crossbills(102) and Common Redpolls (8) together with 6 Red-breasted Nuthatches and 32 Bohemian Waxwings, but almost no passerine movement in the afternoon. At Mount Lorette Cliff Hansen had a total of 19 migrant raptors comprising 6 Bald Eagles, 1 Northern Goshawk, and 12 Golden Eagles which moved late in the day. Observers at Lorette have now counted 1938 Golden Eagles at the site since October 2, compared to 3743 counted at Piitaistakis-South Livingstone over the same period. 11.16 hours (daylight observation!) (702) BAEA 13 (193), SSHA 2 (1435), NOGO 5 (207), RLHA 4 (66), GOEA 43 (4530), UE 1 (6) TOTAL 68 (7151)

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